Konbanwa Roushiichi
I was asked by my Judo Friend, Jim Solan to give him a workout, his email was down, so I thought I might post it on the blog. I am not sure if anyone would also like it. Jim will be returning to the dojo in late December. He has added much to my understanding of Judo and ground fight, and is a true budo-ka. He has been power lifting for the last year or so, and wanted a conditioning workout, to get cardio back in shape.
1. Medicine Ball shuttle runs. I take 4 medicine balls 22, 14, 12, 10, 8lbs I have these in the dojo, so I use them. I place all four in the center of the dojo. I then start on the far right end. I run to the first medicine ball, squat and press the ball overhead, and then sprint back to my starting position with the ball. I then repeat with each medicine ball, until all are on my end. I then sprint to the far end of the dojo, first with no ball, and then come back for my first ball. I then squat and overhead press the ball and sprint to the far end of the dojo. I then repeat with each of the other medicine balls until all the balls are on the far end of the dojo, and then finally sprint back. This is a bit like the old fashion UCLA’s from High School days. I have been working on 1min timed
2. I then take one medicine ball and do body weighted squats touching the medicine ball with my butt. I do this for 3-4mins. The last 20 seconds of each minute I hold the squat in the down (seated position for a 20 sec count).
3. I then do a pyramid of push-ups with kneeling dumbbell military press. I start with 10lb hand dumbbells and now use 15lbs. Reps from 1 pyramid to 10 reps. I use a yoga matt for my knees.
4. Last one is a pyramid of burpees from 15 down to 1. I start on left end of dojo do 15 burped and sprint to the far right end do 14, I then pyramid down to one.
(^^)Sounds like fun! For you younger guys.
ReplyDeleteGahahaha. Those type of drills seem to getting popular these days alomg with High Intensity Drills. One thing I wory about are those burpees given your back condition. Please make sure that burpees and similar exercised do not aggravate your injury! It may result in no karate! (**;)
I still can't make a fist with my right hand. Fufu. I don't think anything is broken as I don't feel any sharp pain. Oh well, time will tell. I hope Ookoshi Senpai can get out of his seat when he reaches Japan! He was hurting all over two days after....Fufu.
I don't think I will do the same thing for Shihandai's Sandan test! He can do it in Japan where the bodies are! Gahahahaha.
PS. Suplemental trainig is always good, but nothing beats doing the "real thing" whether it is karate or judo! (^^) I remember my Judo days.
ReplyDeleteEndless uchikomi, nagekomi and randori were the keys to develoing stamina for Judo. For karate, endless kumite and kihon. The trick is make sure you do the "endless" in good and proper form! Now that is a big challenge! (^^)
Osu!! Shihan...I will/ and do protect my back, on days that burpees are a bit much for the old back, I do squat thrust...and sometime I keep the watch..smile. I sent Jim an invite to write here with us. His computer was to be set up over the holiday.
ReplyDeletePlease remember about and keep a look out for good circulation in the hand, compression syndrome in hand can be big problem...SORRY its the Sempai in me...I know you know..