As always Roushiichi, my homework is never complete. Now you will find this humorous my dog did eat my new copy of The way of Kata, by Kris Wilder, Sensei. Yeap the dog ate my homework Sensei!!
To the homework:
The first throw Ukigoshi or Ogoshi from the elbow block and “jump” on Pinan sono san or Heian san. This one is much like the oyo you taught in Hawaii….now I know in the okuden that the embusan is abandoned and the attack may be from any angle . Thus here, the attacker would be from the rear, or the front… much like your bear hug attack from the rear, using the empi elbow stricks/blocks?? Or so my thoughts were this morning. We also kind of learned that the elbow now would still be used to break the balance of the attacker, as we perform the hip throw. I am now thinking, post workout an nap ( old warrior secret weapon )that I could of used the elbow sitting low as tori attack from the side. Sit in deep kiba dachi no kamae, bump and scoop the attacker of his feet into uki Ogoshi, I found this from an Aikido Uki Ogoshi … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDtdTsCZXxA.
Now to the Ouchigari after the crescent kick and elbow strike, you did not say what kata, but I think I can only find the combo in Pinan sono Go…we worked on ouchigari with that in mind. My ouchigari, looked more like a rabbit hopping on a injured leg… But Jim did pair it with O Soto Gari, and things moved forward and back…. Still need more practice…
I did not know that you worked with Uechi Kanei, that is Jim’s first style Uechi, I have learned something of the fish tails from watching Konchin: http://fileserver.uechi-ryu.com/videos/kosuke_yonamine.wmv. I thought of Take, Sensei. What a interesting and difficult form. I think they call the block Koi no shippo uchi, “koi” I remember from Hawaii so I know that I got fish, but I have not found the kanji to investigate more. I know you will have the answers, maybe, it will be shippo=tail, thus fish tail uchi?? That must have been another wonderful experience and to get to the Konchin kata you must of spent a d good deal of practice time Okinawa. You always have new ones for me my friend.
Might have two more readers of the blog...hope they like to write...!!
ReplyDelete(^^) That's what you leaving the books in Suki's reach! Gahahahaha. I'll try to get a vid made for the throws. Perhaps when I am in Japan and have the "dummies" and mats. I do not think Yachi would volunteer to take falls on the concrete floor.
ReplyDeleteI finally got Yachi to join the gym and start some weight training. I think she likes the sauna more than the training. (^^) ever since I started to pump weights (light, mind you) I have hit wall in losing weight, as a matter of fact, I've gained weight! Hmmmm. My diet hasn't changed radically at all. Very little meats and lots of veges and water. I also do at least 30 min of cardio along with an hour of weights.
At least I can fit into my suit still for Michele's graduation! Gahahha
Weight loss plateau "really suck"... But we are sure to hit them. I person try to change the kind of weights and cardio. Might try an interval of cardio to add up to 30mins, with weights alternating the cardio intervals. Kind of like 4 mins of cardio on like a cross trainer, or elliptical then a lower body squat or lunge with light weights, then back to the cardio cross trainer, then an upper body, maybe a shoulder press with free weights. I find the change gets me out of the "rut". I have even just changed the order of the workout...cardio before the weights, or weights, then cardio...doing the same thing. This has helped me, but by no means is there any science behind this...I have even changed the time of day, or got cardio from like a bike or row machine, instead of the normal cardio machine....
ReplyDeleteI know you know this....but that plateau means that you are getting in better shape. One more idea,,,,might make one day an hour of cardio, then the next day weights....Just FYI...I dont pump heavy weights anymore...I am sure your suit will look great...umm was hoping that in Japan they might wear a more tradition eastern dress for big days like graduation. I think some times....I would like to get into a time machine....just to see how it was during the Meiji period
I keep bring the camera to practice, and never remember to set it up, I will see if I can get someone to tape while we pracitce....much better to show you then write you....