Sunday, July 31, 2011

This week's One Point Lessons (^^)

      I fired Yachi as photographer after last week's debacle. (^^) Lesson learned. Don't let someone else do things you can do yourself. Gahahahaha
     The first OPL is directed towards beginners. It is a Ido Drill using Shikodachi and Zenkutsu dachi. The primary focus is in the hip movement. Of course other Kihon movements such as Hikite and proper alignment of the stance is also emphasized. Mahalo to Sensei Tamura and his student Rei for their assistance.

    The second OPL is for advanced Students. Tamura Sensei performs Shisochin. The basic Bunkai from the Kata is the elbow joint break. It is done in the tradaitional (classical) format as well as in Shinzentai format drill.  Included at the end of the video is a basic use of Koken aka Chicken Beak against a thrust and wrist grab.

         Please remember that there are other applications for the waza. The important thing to think about is "why Shikodachi and the dropping of the hips" and also "why go forward" in reacting to an attack. By undestanding the "whys" I believe it makes your Kata better and not as Oyama Sosai used to say "a dance".

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