Tuesday, June 19, 2012


 Form 形

My wife recently received a package full of birthday gifts (all edible)  from her older sister in Japan. Aside from the fact that now I cannot conveniently forget her birthday ( - -; ), all the presents looked delectable. Perhaps I will be able to take a nibble or two while she is gone ( ^ ^ ).
Back to my main theme!  One of the packages caught my eye. The original is as you can see, an ordinary package with some printing on it.

Original package

The package actually looked like this ( ^ ^ )

Package in its presentation form.

The package was transformed by merely two cuts on the side. It was then folded into the shape of a collared shirt. I thought it was brilliant! A very unique presentation. 
As my brain is always in and out of the Budo mode, I began thinking of the package as Kata or Form.
Our Senseis and their Senseis have left us the legacy of various Katas. The Katas have, I would dare to say, have changed with the Senseis and their interpretation of it. A little tweak here and there. Interpretation of the Kata's applications also changed depending on the performer's vision of the Kata.
I think that is great! Just like the package, a little thought and vision makes it into a different form.
The original is still there as well.  ( ^ ^ ) and we can always go back to it. 
Bunkai and Oyo is now having a big impact on the Karate world (perhaps more in the Western world)
Discussions and arguments abound in numerous blogs and websites with regard to authenticity, lineage and so forth.  Just as the earth evolves and changes, it is only natural that Kata evolves and changes.
Why waste time arguing? I expect the what I passed on to my Shihandais will eventually change and it will continue to change with their successors. I think that is wonderful. 


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