Friday, December 14, 2012

Re: Murder of 20 Children in Connecticut, USA

I'm pretty sure most of you have read or heard of the tragedy in Connecticut, USA. 
The social networks are full of debates between pro and anti gun control.  I thought I'd add my opinion which I posted on my Face Book page. 

Yup, the debates have begun with regard to gun control. But then, how simply we seem to forget other causes of deaths in United States. In 2010, over 10,000 (according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) have died as result of drunken driving. in 2009, 37,485 have died to drug overdose (including prescribed drugs) according the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As with guns, the vehicle for the deaths are available legally and illegally. It is not just an issue of gun control. It is a bigger issue of how we decide to live, how we educate our young and a whole slew of social issues.
Will stricter gun control get rid of guns? Will stricter drug laws get rid of legal and illegal drugs? Will stricter Alcohol laws get rid of alcohol? NO. We need to focus on the human being. Easier said than done. But we can start with people that surround us in out everyday lives.
I also took time to reflect upon my martial art. I have the responsibility of ensuring my students do not take what I teach them and use it in the wrong way. Some folks ask why do you need a gun? The same can be said about martial arts. Why does anyone need to know how to maim someone?
Time for reflection for sure.

Since this is a Budo Blog, I really think it is important that we are teaching the correct morals in our Dojo. Not just "lip service" to the Dojo Kun. Sometimes in pursuit of "winning" we lose sight of the real purpose of Budo. That is why I have reservations on concentrating on competition. Add to that the "reset" mentality gained from so much PC games and role playing  many of the young kids and adults are addicted to. 

Let me re post my thoughts as well


"Issho kotonaki wo ette daiichi to surunari ikusa wo konomu ha michi ni arazu."

This precept is attributed to teachings of the Nakajo Style of Swordsmanship which is considered the oldest of Japanese swordsmanship. Nakajo Ryu eventually become known as Toda Ryu.  The founder of the Nakajo Ryu, was also a politician and poet who also studied Zen during the Kamakura Period and developed Nakajo Heiho (Nakajo Method of Reasoning) The style has a very interesting history which I leave the readers to Google on their own. (^^)
The precept roughly translated in my limited capability might go as " The foremost goal is to complete life without conflict, to seek conflict is not the path".  Transferred to Karate, I interpret this as "Should you go through life without using Karate then you have journeyed successfully".
Budo or martial arts should give us the capability of not fighting. Some of you may find this strange. But as you train you gain the confidence to protect yourself (physical and technical skills) but at the same time this confidence gives the mental awareness of being able to "see" and avoid conflict. Without confidence you cannot negotiate the hazards that we may come upon in life. Without confidence you only emotionally react to the hazards with physical skills. With confidence you are able to control your emotions and seek a better and safer resolution.
Those that only concentrate on physical skills become trapped in seeking only strength and lose sight of the true purpose of Budo.

My condolences to those who lost their loved ones in this senseless tragedy. 

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