Thursday, July 29, 2010

There is hope for us, Tony!!!

These gentlemen are in their 70's! 10+ more years I will be in the same bracket. I hope I can move around much less throw a kick or two! (^^). Kiryoku, Seishinryoku, Tairyoku. These senior citizens haven't dropped their youth somewhere on the path. Inspiring!
Hmmmm. I wonder if any of the full contact organization have a 70+ bracket.
Let's keep on chugging, Tony! 生涯現役、武道には引退と言う言葉は無い!
Forever Active! No such word as retired in Budo!
OSU. This video made my day. Thanks You Tube!


  1. It just struck midnight here Roushiichi, and I am now one more year closer to 70. What a way to bring in 46 for me. This is Inspiring and hopeful!! I have seen one over 40 Kyokushin kumite bracket, but never a 70+. I, like you my friend, will stay active, and adapt in the dojo. One of the studnets asked, "sempai if your hurt why are you here?" All I could say, was at this point its where everyone looks for me anyways.

    This really did make my evening Roushiichi Thanks!

    I will be in Vermont at Gasshuku for the next three days. Looking forward to seeing old friends and practicing with them. I am the only one from our dojo this year who can make the trip. Hope you dont mind, I really wish sometimes that Hawaii was just a bit closer to old snowy New great fun having you and Yachi with me....


  2. Enjoy the Gasshuku. Make sure you listen to your body (^^). I'll be thinking of ya while drinking ice tea and munching on chocolate chip cookies by the pool. Its called nourishment training. One lap, ome cookie!
