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人一能之、己百之。人十能之、己千之。 |
「中庸」it's contents can be interpreted (**not a direct translation of the kanjis itself**) as "the never changing correct reason" 正しい道理. Confused? Not to worry, sometimes or rather I should always for me, translating philosophical themes are a challenge. What seems clear in one language is often muddled when changed into a different language.
So please bear with me! ( ^^ )
Most of you know that the bulk of my karate students are children. I am fortunate that there is a solid group of adults that continue to train and support the Yokohama Dojo as well as Makiki Dojo. without their help, it would definitely a challenge. One of the biggest concerns I have had in the past (note past tense) is the development of the children. Some are "naturals", others require more time in training. At the rate of one practice a week I do not expect rapid development in their skills. After all how many really practice at home in-between classes? To be honest, I sometimes get too concerned and fret over the lack of development. That is when I remind myself of this teaching from the Chuyou.
So, what does it mean? In very simple terms; While the gifted may master some things in one or ten tries, an ordinary person can attain the same level practicing it hundred times or a thousand times over.
The key is not to give up! Always maintain the spirit of challenge. I think this applies to both the students and Senseis. Osu!
Foot note: 中庸伊is the compilation of teachings with regard to proper reasoning, if you will. 中 signifies no biases while 庸signifies 永久不変(eikyu fuhen) permanency of no changes. It is a form of Confucianism and considered one of the four pillars of Confucianism. The other three are 論語 Rongo, 孟子 Moushi and 大学Daigaku.
Makiki Dojo
Had a very good session last night. Yachiyo was not able to make it due work, but 5 parents participated so the kids were better behaved??? Gahahahaha
Did the usual Kihon in a circle with Sophia, Raistlin, Takuma, and Riki taking turns at leading the class. I find it a very useful method for improving the kid's waza as well as self-confidence. Or perhaps I am just getting lazy at being Sensei. ( ^ ^ ) After kihon we worked on taisabaki using cones as markers. Fufufufu, some still have a tad difficulty with their right and left. Started off withe just shifting off the center line, then added counter punches and topped it off with hikkake and knee strike.
Ended the session with kumite. I first had the adults attack me. All need to develop the "killer instinct"and get comfortable with hitting full power. ( ^ ^ ). Then the kids turn. It is amazing how some "lambs" turn into "tigers"! If they would only due their kihons withe same intensity! Gahahahaha
Shuma couldn't figure out why his punches and kicks had no effect on elicting displays of pain from me. The harder he tried the more I smiled. It was a good opportunity to correct his punching skills. This was the first time for Kouhei's Dad to taste full contact. He was surprised that the mommies punches and kicks actually hurt! Welcome to the world of full contact karate. OSU!
It was good to see Torri and Travis back from their long summer vacation! Welcome back!
Next Saturday is Bon Dance for the temple so no practice!
Hmmm need to get Shihandai to start posting for Yokohama Dojo! ( ^ ^ )
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