Yachiyo with her Division Manager at the awards party.
Last night "Da Boss" aka Yachiyo "Sensei" was awarded three Top Representative trophies for her outstanding performance in the second quarter for 2012.
She is proof that anything is possible with the proper determination, drive and perseverance. It was not that long ago (I need to keep her age secret!) that Yachiyo moved to Hawaii on her own to find a new life. Learning a second language was her first challenge. Her second challenge was to be gainfully employed so that she could support herself in this expensive Hawaii! I recall her telling me of the days she took naps in her car in between jobs.
I'd like to think that karate helped her overcome the many trials and tribulations she faced along the years. Of course, I would have never met her and end up being married to her if she had not taken up Karate under Aonuma Shihan more than 10 years ago. (^^)
As you all know, sales, especially the time share industry, is a "cut throat" environment. There really is no "middle ground" to take it easy. Either you sell or sink. A strong will and mental toughness is required to survive in the industry.
I think that Yachiyo exemplifies Oyama Sosai's principle of「頭は低く 目は高く 口慎んで 心広く 孝を原点とし 他を益する。」Carry your head low and your eyes high, be reserved in speech and posses a kind heart with filial piety as your roots.
Congratulations and Omedetou! OSU!
"Nothing is possible if you think it is impossible. Nothing is impossible if you think it is possible. Think positive and work hard, and ANYTHING is possible."
Thomas J. Vilord
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