Sunday, December 25, 2011

2011 Yokohama Dojo Evaluations Critique

Another beautiful day in Hawaii!

       As a Christmas Gift (?) to all the followers to this Blog I will be uploading some videos I made  for critiquing Yokohama Dojo's 2011 Promotion Evaluations. (^^) Unfortunately I am the only one in the videos, so it will not be aesthetically pleasing for Yachiyo fans. Soooory. She had to work overtime yesterday and couldn't make it the Dojo.
      Yesterday was my Dojo cleaning day . As it fell on Christmas Eve, the Pokemons did not have any practice, so it became a one man job. (^^)  It was a good time for me to reflect upon this year as I cleaned the equipment and mopped the floor. Health wise it was a very challenging year with the bout with severe pneumonia. The scars from where they inserted the draining tubes still shows quite clearly. I am grateful that I am on the path of recovery. It still will be a while before I am back up to par, but at my age there is no rush. Fufufu. I look foward to 2012 and the progress of the Dojo Pokemons! Mahalo to the Pokemons for a wonderful 2011.
      Back to the videos. As many of you are already aware, I am a klutz when it comes to uploading videos etc. I haven't found whether it is better to try uploading directly to this blog or via You Tube or Windows Live. Last night I tried both the Blog direct and You tube and here it is 0900 the next day and no uploads. Gahahahaha. Well I'll keep on trying. As we Hawaiians say "When can, can. When no can, no can. Take it easy, brah" It'll get uploaded bumbai.  There is no particular order in which they are uploaded. Wish me luck!
Started upload at 0920 (^^)... 0945 Still uploading...(- -;)...Good thing it's a Sunday (^^)...1015...Still waiting...Oooops a message "Sorry there was an error during upload. Gahahahahaha
Try again! 1620 hours, Christmas Day. (^^) Well, it was a no go! It is 2010 hours. Last attempt for the day.
One hour has passed. Time to shut it down. Perhaps tomorrow. Good night! (^^)
Trying again this morning. Gahahahaha (- -;) Time is clicking away again. It took 30+ minutes to upload on FB. Strange, never did have this problem before.....Hmmmmmm. Finaly an error sign.
Well, folks it looks like until I can get this figured out no videos.....Gomennasai.

Start at 1020 PM (^^)  1117 Nothing yet. Buhahaha One day later!

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