Ohayou Roushiichi,
Its bootcamp season again here in New York! What you to know that we are working on much of your teachings and philosophies. Been keeping me rather busy. The Following was our email introduction to the dojo. Just wanted to share.
Bootcamp IV
For most people who enter a traditional budo dojo, they are soon struck by the apparent conflicting philosophies. How can a place that teaches empty had combat teach students of peace. After training for some time in a budo art, I think many budo-ka (myself included) are struck when the newest addition to the dojo, first asks,” when do I get to learn to break boards and bricks with my karate chop”. I smile, and teach dojo rei, or bow. In this bow, we as budo-ka cross our left arm over our right arm. We lower our selves into formal sitting first left then right, only to rise ourselves on the right leg. Now the bow and the sitting look just as nice on either the right or left side. Why? Ask any of our karate students, and I would hope that they would responed. Tony taught me always left over right. Why? For people of the budo arts the left side is the side of “Peace” the right side is the side of the “warrior.” Peace always over the warrior. I would like to think that in true budo one learns the ways of peace though the art of combat.
Now if you are still reading what does all that have to do with bootcamp Tony? Well the veterans understand, Tony goes off on this stuff from time to time, but he come back around and gives a pretty good workout most days. Truly, I find the best in self-improvement in eastern philosophies. In fact, I have even seen a few of the ladies posting and following some rather wonderful, Eastern Budo Philosophies on their Facebook!! I think at times I am more proud that, then the weight loss, or their 5K times.
The point, workouts look and feel to be body breakdown, but we should be building a stronger more confident self. We need to have the confidence, to learn the difference between delayed on set muscle soreness, and injury. (ahh we teach what we need to learn most!). Many of you have shared injuries or major surgeries with me. I applauded you budo spirit, please don't feel funny to ask for modification or help. It's a challenge I enjoy. For example, our ¼ mile speed run/ walk will be tonight. If you can make it in 90sec in our dojo you will be fine. If you would like a good time, my high school track girls tell me under 60 sec is a good time for them. If you have a physical limitation then we can find a new “ evaluation”. These numbers are just that, a point to begin from. I have attached the Performance chart to this email in pdf format. I will talk more about this after we finish our fitness evaluations, might like to bring a copy tonight to class with hand weights if you have them....
This brings me to goals. I really think that a written goal, verbalized to some other person is the way to be successful. It does not have to be to me, or the group of ladies. Many have shared them. We have had goals like>> to run a 5K; make me skinny Tony; arms like Kirsten’s, putting on socks without having to sit, to do a push up….Please think about a 4 week and a 8 week goal. Please write it down and share it with at least one other person.
On to Nutrition: Tanya Lipinski has a wonderful background in Nutrition. One again, she has offered her time and help for anyone who would like to learn more about “eating” for your best workouts. I will ask if you are going to be doing a food log for Tanya to see her tonight after class. I will bring a copy of Tanya food dairies tonight. I truly believe that 70-80% of weight management is done in the kitchen, and not the gym.
Last word, I would please ask that you bring a clean pair of sneakers to the dojo. The karate people workout in bare feet. The small glass and stone pieces really do cause problems for us. Thank you.
Sorry to be so long....I will be short next time...
ReplyDeleteCurrently on standby for picking up Yachi from work. It has already turned into a 12hour day for at 1900. I'm guessing she will be hungry when she finishes and the a salad won't be enough!
When you can send me a copy of the Performance chart and Tanya's eating program. I am going into my second week of "serious" dietary change.
It's centered around less meats and more vegetables. Lots of green and fruits. Six meals a day vice three. Snacks are steamed Okinawa potatoes, papaya, oranges and grapes (when it's cheap, can't forget I'm on retirement pay in an expensive state! Gahahaha)
I call it 手の平食方。Palm of the Hand Method. One serving fits the cupped palm of my hand.
Strange thing is, there has really been no major weight drop?? About a lb per week. Perhaps too much frucose? I walk 5 miles evey night to supplement my karate training, so it is puzzling at this stage.
I hope to be in the 180's by end of the year!
(^^) How much more to go? Dat's a Secret!
One thing for sure "short term" weight loss seems to have a bigger rebound. I'm going the slow and steady route.
One more outdoor session and we return to the Dojo.
I' be posting the theme of the month for Yokohama and Makiki shortly.
Long hours for Yachi, your right need to keep both of you with good eats! I hope she is getting some good sleep.
ReplyDeleteI have sent along in google shared Doc's the performance chart we use for both bootcamp and Katate. I have sent also our student goal sheets for each test. I have notes from our first meetings on Nutrition from Tanya and myself. Tanya's eating program, works like this. We give the student excel worksheets for them to keep a diary of the foods they are eating, when they eat them, and how they are feeling at the time they ate...ie eat because I was bored, hungry, sad, ....
She then takes the diary and goes over modification for the students. She really does put in the time for each student. We are trying to get more students to keep the diary...next goal of mine. I will be happy to send along the sheets for the diary if you like those too, then I get home. In fact, I am thinking of doing the diary myself online so the ladies might try it also...
I really think a pound to two pound loss per week is best. You don't loss that much muscle with the fat. I think your "spot on" then on weight loss just keep it up. I know that this is much different then "cutting weight" for the full contact. In short, I dont think its very good to drop so much so fast (^^). So hard to say the course...shugyo...bear the unbear....OH YOU TAUGHT ME THAT ONE>>SMILE!!
The price of eating healthy in my opinion is as large a crime as the bank and health care systems. When we can get $5 junk food and it cost twice as much for fruits and veggies....what are kids, or even the adults going to pick.
Now that is this 先生 stuff??? I know my Nihongo is not the best, but I caught that Sensei...No Sensei here...BUT some day I think I like to be the Roushiichi II...maybe Roushini GAhahahah
I will be looking in to see this month theme....
ReplyDeleteMahalo for the docs. Will get Yachiyo on the program. (^^) Gahahaha.
Good to know 1-1.5 lbs of weight loss is OK. So, at the max 6 lbs per month. Hmmm. 8 months until Michele's graduation which means 48 lbs weight loss which = (TS/SCI). Hmmm too much loss. Changing the trousers would be $$$. I'll make it 6 month program for a 36lbs loss.
I enjoyed that stomach growling section. I need to keep up my water intake for gout anyways.
Last Saturday, had Take pound me with body blows and low kicks to check out my sanchin and breathing. Guess what! It still hurts!! (^^)
Happy we could help. Michele's graduation is that close..WOW. I am sure that 36lbs loss will be feel better on your legs too. Don't get to light now Roushiichi, my first Sensei sent me home one night when I got down to 166lbs. I have no worries about that these days...smile. I find 185lbs is good for me...which means I can take 5 pounds off myself.
ReplyDeleteNihongo Keiko:
主 aruji
席 Seki
主席 shuseki
指 yubi
導 shirube
員 in
指導員 shidoin
shuseki shidoin Main Instructor
I think I almost got a promotion from Sensei!! Gerrrrrrr Roushiichi 主 主席指導員 not sure if that is correct…but that makes you Chief Lord of the Main Instructors in my Kanji head!!
Opps...Dinner time with Aunt...more later...
Cant miss my meal...Gahahah
(^^) One day I will post something about Japanese titles. Fufufu. Even in the business and government world it gets a little crazy when it gets to titles. Titles to me are just like belts. If you need to rely on them, then you haven't practiced enough! Gahahahaha. After all, do you lose what you have when you put on a white belt? Cucumber and lettuce sandwich for lunch! Soy milk and Sweet potato for snack.
ReplyDeleteI just checked my weight, reached my goal for the month. Now for the chocolate Sundae!! (^^)
Ganbatte Ne Roushiichi!!
ReplyDeleteGot to love it, as Jen would say the scorpion in you Roushiichi! Let see, one chocolate sundae, equal 3 more rounds of sanchin Shime with Take-san !!!
Is it acceptable to use the word "kitai" for Shime??
(^^) Ahh the perils of Romanized Japanese.
ReplyDeletekitai has the following meanings.
a. Hope
b. structural configuration
c. want to come?
d. gaseous fuel
e. odd
Now,kitaeru means to train, temper or forge
such as Kotekitae (forging of the arms)
Sunekitae (forging of the shins) Actually there is no noun such with kitaeru (verb)
For a triple Chocolate Sundae I'd have the Terminator test out my sanchin. Gahahahaha.