Sunday, December 9, 2012

Keizoku wa Chikara Nari! (^^)

Establishment of Yokohama Shibu under Shihan William Fox and Shihandais Nagaie and Furuya.
It has been five years since I retired and came back to Hawaii to take care of my mother. Since then the Yokohama Dojo has continued to grow and provide the local community with sound moral and physical training under the motto  of "Jita Kyoei" 自他共栄。Yokohama dojo has been very fortunate to have such outstanding leadership as well as unflagging support form all its members. 
    Upon discussion with the leadership of Yokohama Dojo, I concurred that it was time for William to become Shihan and Senpais Nagaie and Furuya as Shihandais. With the continued support of the Sonenbu Toku Toku Seis and adult members I strongly believe that Yokohama Dojo will continue to grow and be a Dojo where members can find friendly support and guidance.
     Congratulations to William and Yokohama Dojo! Y(^^)Y
     Of course, nothing is ever complete with a celebration! Gahahahahaha

Up and coming leader Kobayashi Jr, with lady karatekas. (^^)

Shihan William with "old timers". Shihandai Furuya standing.

A very DANGEROUS table. Gahahahahahaha

BTW,  Ookoshi Senpai made the big 60! (^^) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Hooooo. You old brah....! (@@)

With the recent troubling incidents caused by Karatekas, I am confident that such tragedies will not occur at Yokohama Dojo and that our members will continue to follow the proper path of Budo.


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