Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013 Keiko

Good turnout today. The kids have so many other activities as well. (^^) Not enough time in a day!
Did our usual kihon keiko in the circle with Senpai Pokemons taking turns leading the group.
After kihon all concentrated on polishing their kata for the Enbukai coming up at the end of February.
Alas, I was hit with a sudden relapse of  chills and fever so I supervised from the side and the adult Senpais run the class. Here are some photos of today's practice.

Senpai Pokemons take turns leading Kihon Keiko. Riki leading Te Waza.
Danika leading Hiji Waza Sequence
Takeru leading Uke Waza Sequence.

The usual Kihon Circle 

Senpai Pokemons helping the Minis learn Kihon Kata

Older Pokemons going through their Katas under the watchful eye of Senpai Michael.

Pokemons working on their kata.
Attention to detail!b

Yukiko Senpai leading the adults in Heian 1

Yachiyo Sensei was able to make at the last minute!

Yachiyo Sensei leading adults in Heian 2

Shuma and Takuma working on kumite skills for their 2nd time.

Nice back kick and nice evasion. (^^)

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