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What can a child do? |
I had just had a mini-reunion with two of my high school classmates (Class of '68) just the other day. reminiscing of the "good old days" in our hometown. The only "hard" things that popped up were our classmates that ended up in a faraway place known as Vietnam. Crime was not in our vocabulary. What peaceful lives we had back then.
Naturally, after the news came out, the commentary section was filled with speculation, innuendos, dissertations on the causes, mostly based on emotions. Some even hinted guilt of the victim for being in school at 6:30 am! Such rubbish!
Back to the point I wanted to make. In this case a 59 years old female was the victim. Now, what if the victim was an elementary school student? Add to that a martial arts student. Do we really expect the child to be able to defend his/her self against an adult? Readers know my feelings about "seminars".
Is self protection the sole responsibility of a child? I do not think so. The best thing we can do as adults is to teach the children to be aware of danger and to quickly disengage from the situation and seek help.
It is also the parents responsibility not to drop off the children earlier than necessary before school starts or to have them wait long after school ends. Granted, once a child is on school property then it would the school's responsibility to ensure their safety. But then, what are the time limits? In this age of budget cuts and less funding is it realistic to to expect schools to be able to do that outside of school operating hours? Sigh, so many issues to deal with. Pros and Cons.
I know that in Japan, safety of kids to and from school became a major issue when several incidents of kidnapping and murder of children took place. Measures such as group movement to and from school were implemented. Parents taking turns being at the school at start and ending times, emergency buzzers attached to school bags, GPS locators became the norm for children to carry. Self Defense classes for kids popped up like mushrooms (**;).
What I would like to propose is to gather all the retirees in the neighborhood and form groups to patrol the campus prior to and after school hours. Provide them with com gear so that they can contact the local PD. They should work in pairs. Overt presence is a big deterrence. After all how many retirees I see at McDonald's from early in the morning drinking coffee and shooting the breeze. Make use of our senior citizens. We are not asking them to confront perpetrators, just to report suspicious activities or people on the school grounds. Leave the handling of suspects to the police.
Yes, we can push for emergency funding and put in security cameras on campus. But unless there is a control desk where someone is monitoring the cameras, the it becomes "after the fact". It aids in apprehending the perpetrators but the crime has already been committed. Security cameras may serve as a deterrent but are not fail proof.
As Sensei Tony and anyone else in the Law Enforcement knows, the incident has not ended for the victim. The pain of going through an investigation and when the perpatrators are caught, the pain of going through the legal proceedings is something I do not wish on anyone. In order to bring the perpetrator to justice the victim has to "relive" the attack over and over again. My heart goes out to her.
Konnichiwa Roushiichi
ReplyDeleteI was feeling rather bad this morning. I had missed this blog enter. Must of look like I was very insensitive the plight of this poor teacher. Wahiawa sounds much like Mechanicville when I was growing up. All Big City crime never made it upstate in New York…it always downstate. I still remember 1997; this was the first Homicide in the city, of an elderly female in her home. The “first home invention” kind of took my innocence and I had been a cop for several years. As I read your suggests about the use of the retired members of the community, I am looking out my window at school. “Rocky” and “Fish” both members of our schools support staff are out in the hallways of the school, and they are all wired up for communication. Both men retired members of the community. One thing that still concerns me is there safely in the halls. I have watched large groups ( young and old a like) never come to the aid of people in harms ways. Jen told me of a story in her youth, where she and a friend, were accosted by a group of males in Washington DC on the Fourth of July. She told me there were hundreds of people around and not a single person stopped to help them, or asked if there was a problem…Would like to think we are better people than that….
Ohayou Tony,
ReplyDeleteThe weather in Hawaii is going down hill. I heard that in Japan its almost like winter skipping fall. Yokohama is crawling with Riot cops on security detail for APEC. The funny part is since they send in police from different prefectures to agument local police, people asking for directions get a blank look!
Fufufu. Tokyo's PD has 40,000 officers, 4,000 in its headquarters alone. They had a nice coffee shop on the top floor from where you could gaze at the Imperial Palace. We got to plan a trip to Japan, Tony!
Yup, I think the problems we face now is do to the lack of morals or rather lack of teaching morals. Even in Japan, Dotoku 道徳 is not part of the curriculum do to the Teachers Union which has a strong Japan Communist Party influence. Now that is another story for later.
Japan is no different when it comes to lack of aid from strangers. People are scared to "jump in". I can't fault them, fear is fear. Some have the ability to overcome the fear and help. Others don't. It is a sad day when we have to patrol our school'd corridors for the kids safety. We should get all our troops home and spend more time on our own problems rather than wasting lives on political agendas. Ooops, sorry got side tracked here. Another issue that needs much much more thought. (Note to readers, be assured that I am Red, White and Blue as any
American, have done my time in miltary service and retired from Federal Law Enforcement. In short, been there and done that) But I think the focus has to turn in rather than out.
So what can we do as karate instructors? Dotoku should be taught at home. Parents have to set the example for the kids to pass on to the next generation.
I recall several years back in my Japanese language Home Page, a fellow martial artist had commented on hoe he observed a scuffle at a train station. In his comment he described how he would have done this and that, using this waza and that. Sort of like Monday morning Quarterback. (^^) I responded to him by asking as a martial artist/instructor did he not feel the need to step in and break up the scuffle rather than being a bystander. After all Budo is to "stop confict". Well, no answer was ever received.
OOPS gotta go help Yachi on her recertifcation as a Real Estate Sales Agent. Gaaaaaah! (**:)
You are working studing for the recertification test for Yachi and Jen and I are working on her Anatomy material for her morning exam. I guess Roushiichi ones a "teacher" always a teacher..
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I never saw myself teaching martial arts, it was my get away from teaching, when I first started, a place to blow off some pressure ...now here I am ....I don't dislike my role now, just never image it...to be honest.
DO hope that we can teach some Dotoku (new word for me!!) and promote its teaching though our examples... I am working on Jen for the Japan trip...smile...I am saving my pennies ....wish money was not so tight.....
When a person of Budo, does not stop the conflict, who do the people have to turn to?