ブルースリーの「Striking Thoughts」を読んでた。教えることについて彼はこうのように書いた“先生、良い先生は、真実に向ける役割がある、真実を与えるのではなく。。”

Kahil Gibran's "The Prophet". In it Gibran writes, "If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind" Two different minds, different eras, one a martial artist, the other a poet. Both philosophers . Both with the same message. Interesting.
ううう、何所か同じ発想を読んだ気が。。。そうだ、カヒリル ギブランの”The Prophet"だ。その中でギブランは書く“彼が本当に知的なら知恵の家には誘わない、そうでなく自分の思考の入り口に誘導する”実に興味深い。二つの思考、違い時代、一人は武芸者、もう一人は詩人。二人とも哲学者。同じメッセージを送っている。
Teaching, I feel, is an art and discipline in itself. Those of you that are educators may relate to this.
It is art/skill form because you need to work with various types of students in heading towards the same goal (Budo). The art of being able to mold your teaching so that all the students can get the maximum benefit from learning. Now in class, you cannot cater to each and every student one on one as that would amount to chaos. (^^). You need to nurture the students' desire to learn, then the rest is easy (well, not that easy). It takes discipline to teach a class full of kids ranging from 5 years old to 12 years old.
Think if you will, the Terakoya 寺小屋 where the local samurai or priest would teach children of all ages in one room. Or, perhaps in the old days of "The Little School House on the Prairie". Attention level and interest changes by age (my opinion) and to be able to get all of them to focus on one art, whether it be karate, flower arrangement, Zumba is no easy task. It is often said, "Two hours of preparation for one hour of instruction". Hmmm, with classes ranging from pre-school to sixth grade, that is quite a demand!
Teaching karate is no different. It is not a matter of showing up and start punching and kicking. There has to be a curriculum in which one lesson serves as a spring board to another.
Yes, Kihon does not change but any change in presentation and application requires planning.
With an one hour class, we need to maximize the use of the time. With Kyokushin based kihon that is easily 30-45 minutes! Perhaps with the firm belief that Kihon is the foundation, that may not be too much of concern to some teachers. But then again, when you need to practice the applications of kihon.....is there enough time to have the students grasp the concept? Naturally you keep on reinforcing the application through follow-up lessons.
That is why I am not a strong proponent of seminars, especially "self defense" seminars. At best, you may grasp the concept, but then you need to be able to follow-up back in your own Dojo. The only problem with that is you often do this with no guidance. After all, you most likely attend seminars because you can't receive the instruction in your own Dojo. Upon return, the seminar attendee now becomes the instructor, if you will. Has he mastered the topic at the seminar? Whether it was one hour or all day makes no difference. Just for simplicity sake, I hold a seminar on "How to fall safely" using basic Judo ukemi (break falls) Do you really expect anyone to be able to master ukemi in one such seminar. Yes, attendees will understand the concepts but to master ukemi takes time and it is foolish to think that an attendee has "mastered" ukemi well enough to go back and share it with his Dojo. (^^)
Think if you will, the Terakoya 寺小屋 where the local samurai or priest would teach children of all ages in one room. Or, perhaps in the old days of "The Little School House on the Prairie". Attention level and interest changes by age (my opinion) and to be able to get all of them to focus on one art, whether it be karate, flower arrangement, Zumba is no easy task. It is often said, "Two hours of preparation for one hour of instruction". Hmmm, with classes ranging from pre-school to sixth grade, that is quite a demand!
Teaching karate is no different. It is not a matter of showing up and start punching and kicking. There has to be a curriculum in which one lesson serves as a spring board to another.
Yes, Kihon does not change but any change in presentation and application requires planning.
With an one hour class, we need to maximize the use of the time. With Kyokushin based kihon that is easily 30-45 minutes! Perhaps with the firm belief that Kihon is the foundation, that may not be too much of concern to some teachers. But then again, when you need to practice the applications of kihon.....is there enough time to have the students grasp the concept? Naturally you keep on reinforcing the application through follow-up lessons.
That is why I am not a strong proponent of seminars, especially "self defense" seminars. At best, you may grasp the concept, but then you need to be able to follow-up back in your own Dojo. The only problem with that is you often do this with no guidance. After all, you most likely attend seminars because you can't receive the instruction in your own Dojo. Upon return, the seminar attendee now becomes the instructor, if you will. Has he mastered the topic at the seminar? Whether it was one hour or all day makes no difference. Just for simplicity sake, I hold a seminar on "How to fall safely" using basic Judo ukemi (break falls) Do you really expect anyone to be able to master ukemi in one such seminar. Yes, attendees will understand the concepts but to master ukemi takes time and it is foolish to think that an attendee has "mastered" ukemi well enough to go back and share it with his Dojo. (^^)
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