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Japan's School Lunch! Yummy, yummy! |
Harako Mama of Yokohama Dojo has submitted a report on Japan's School Lunch System to share with the members of the Hawaii Dojo and Kesshinkai Dojo. I hope that you all enjoy it! (^^) I did a quick translation and hopefully it is pretty much accurate. Thank you Harako Mama for the report!
The Harako family is very active in the Yokohama Dojo. Not only Harako Mama, but Harako Papa and their two sons practice together. Harako Mama is not onlyh active in Karate but numerous community and volunteer activities. She is also a member of the local "Indiaca(?)", a type of volleyball game developed by Germany. She is also the member of Yokohama Dojo's cutter boat racing team.
Well here is the report.
学校給食レポートfrom JAPAN
Report on School Meals from Japan
ハワイとニューヨークのみなさま こんにちは。☆Hey!ヽ('ー'#)/ Hello!☆
Hey! Hello y’all in Hawaii and New York. Today I will introduce the lunch time of Japanese children..
There is a “Kyushoku System” in Japanese Elementary Schools. Lunch which is prepared at school eaten in the classrooms by everyone, including the teachers. The teachers eat the same meals as the students.
A menu is distributed to families every month. Included in the menu are the ingredients, calorie per meal and amount of protein. The menu is the same for First grade through Sixth Grade, but the amount of the meal is adjusted in proportion to the children’s growth in three levels.
A separate menu which leaves out allergens are made for children with allergies, such minute details are taken for those children.
This is a thankful thing for parents. There are several occasions in which lunches are made by parents for excursions, but it is great not to have to make a lunch during busy mornings before going to work, knowing that the child will be eating a nutritious meal at school.
Kyushoku started almost 120 years ago. Due to poverty there were children who could not bring lunch to school.
For those children onigiri (rice balls) and broiled fish were provided. Although school lunches were stopped during the Second World War, with the United States assistance the system was revived and continues to this day.
After receiving Shihan Richard’s request to introduce Japan’s Kyushoku to the children of Hawaii and New York, I quickly approached the elementary school which Yokohama Kenshinjuku children attend. With the stipulation that face photos were not taken due to privacy concerns, the school approved of taking photos.
Under the supervision of a Nutritionist, with calories measured, a varied menu of Japanese, Western and Chinese meals are prepared. Depending on the day, bread, rice or noodles are provided as staples.
I will introduce a week ‘s menu.
(月曜) Monday
☆ぶどうパン Bread w/grapes
☆ツナと野菜のスパゲッティ Tuna and vegetable spaghetti
☆ミックスビーンズサラダ Mixed Beans Salad
☆牛乳 Milk
(火曜) Tuesday
ご飯 Barley Rice
☆イワシのかば焼き Broiled Sardine
☆ひじきの炒め煮 Braised Seaweed
☆お味噌汁 Miso Bean Soup
☆牛乳 Milk
(水曜) Wednesday
☆胚芽ごはん Multigrain Rice
☆ビビンバ Bibinba (Korean Vegetable Dish with meat)
☆わかめスープ Seaweed Soup
(木曜) Thursday
☆ご飯 Rice (white)
☆チリコンカン Chili Con Carne
☆海草サラダ Seaweed Salad
☆ドライプルーン Dried Prune
☆牛乳 Milk
(金曜) Friday
☆ロールパン Rolls
☆ししゃもフライ Fried Capelin (fish)
☆ボイルドキャベツ Boiled Cabbage
☆人参ポタージュ Carrot Potage Soup
☆牛乳 Milk
The Food color may seem dull but it’s very delicious!
After the Fourth Period is over, the children put on white gowns, caps and face mask, wash their hands thoroughly and proceed to the kitchen to pick up the entire class’s meal. The serving is also done by the children themselves.
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Serving lunch in their classroom. |
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Off to get our lunch! |
Prior to eating they all say “Itadakimasu” and after finishing they say “Gochiso sama deshita”
They put their hands together to show appreciation to the nature’s bounty and to those who made the meals.
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"Itadakimasu" "Gochisosama" |
After receiving permission to make the report anytime and in spite the fact I had gone without setting a date, they provided me with a meal so I could eat with the children.
Laughter and conversation filled the classroom. An enjoyable lunch time surrounded by smiling faces quickly passed by.
After the meal everyone helps clean up.
Empty dishes and utensils are taken back to the kitchen and in a loud voice say “Gochisosama deshita!”
The milk cartons are opened up, washed and recycled.
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Recycling milk cartons! |
As you may have noted, in Japan’s schools “school lunch” is not merely about “eating”. It is part of education and is an integral part of it.
How do children in New York and Hawaii have their lunch time?
―以上、レポートは横浜道場の原子(HARAKO)でした (^-^)ノ゙ー
Reported by Yokohama Dojo member Harako (mama)
Translated by yours truly, Roushiichi aka Richard
Now it is Hawaii and New York's turn to report! (^^)
It's great to see the Japanese school system in action. I hope those who read it can compare it to their own school. Thank you Harako-san for writing this report and thank you Richard Sensei for the translation!
Thank you very much Harako-san for your writings and pictures to introduce Japan’s Kyushoku to us in New York. The lunches here in New York are not even close to the nutritional value of those in Yokohama. Children in the district that I teach in do have a lunch that they can buy for $2.05 and additionally a breakfast bagel and Sausage for $1.25 can be purchased. There are reduce fees for children of need. The problem that I see with our meals, come la carte. I teach at a high school, so this my not be so much of an issue for the elementary students ( all thought my nieces and nephews tell me they can get the “good stuff” if they bring more money. You see, many large schools here in New York, use a food service now. So in a effort to make money, the la carte items are sold. This week the west wing cafeteria served
ReplyDeleteMonday: Baked Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Dinner Roll, Applesauce
Tuesday: Pizza w/ Cheese, Tossed Garden Salad, Peaches
Wednesday: Chicken Fajita Salad, Rice & Salsa, Blueberry Shortcake w/ Topping
Thursday: Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce, Tossed Garden Salad ,Italian Bread, Pineapple Tidbits, Cookie
Friday: Cheeseburger on a bun w/ Lettuce & Tomato, Corn Sweet Potato Fries, Fresh NYS Apple…. Now the kids don't have to buy the main lunch so many will eat fried Mozzalla cheese sticks, nachos with chesse sause fried popcorn chicken, Pizza with Cheese, with a few chocolate chips cookies (4-6 cookies I see many student with, and no main meal at all.) There is little respect give the people serving the food, and no respect given the fact they have the food they eat. The younger children are much better at respect for the food serves people. I have since meeting Roushiichi show appreciation with “Itkakimasu” before I eat, and now since I meet Take Sensei and his wife, now say it correctly…smile.