Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Japan 2102 Y( ^ ^ )Y

Safely arrived in Japan yesterday and thanks to Shihandai William was able to crawl into bed a little past midnight. But alas! My body is on Hawaii time and so after a short restless sleep I woke at 0330 and am now waiting for the Buffet Breakfast to begin at 0600. As some of you may know, one of Shihandai's many hobbies is car racing (the legal kind), so i got to get a ride in a souped up car with fins and all. But  not to worry he is a very careful driver. He had just returned from his studies in the States and was briming with confidence.
Since I couldn't check in at my usual Hostel due to the late night arrival(beats a two hour trip from Narita!) I stayed at a hotel in Chinatown and what a name ! Super Hotel, I really like it, Too bad its not as cheap as the Hostel.

      As I mentioned I've been up since 0330. I decided to take an Asaburo 朝風呂。I haven't soaked Japanese style since retiring and going back to Hawaii. Ahhhhhh, It was sooooo relaxing! Now I need to figure out how to get an Onsen (hot spring) into my schedule. I only have two free days left!
     Another great feature of Japanese hotels are its toilets. The seats are heated (if needed) and your derriere is cleaned with pressurised water that is also temperature and pressure controlled. There are some folks that get addicted to the cleaning! ( ^ ^ )

I also liked the fact that the front entrance is secured and locked at midnight and you have to remember your room entry code to get in. Gahahahaha Who can remember such a thing when you're out drinking past midnight! Incentive to go to sleep early.

Just back from breakfast at 0630 hours. Whew! Am stuffed! A very decent spread with variety of breads and jams, pastries, salad, two kinds of meat, rice porridge, a large selection of drinks. It's included in the room cost. ( ^ ^ )

The buffet line, very clean and orderly.

The coffee machines with all sorts of choices!

 My first pickings, Egg Salad on toast, yogurt, pork sausage, mini burgers and rice porridge
Rice porridge with pickled veges, seaweed and umeboshi.

Boiled organic egg.Very tasty as is.

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