Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Holiday in New York

Traditions for New York

I will do my best this Christmas season to bring some images of the holiday here in New York. As I sit here, I wonder what I can show Yokohama and even Hawaii that is special about Traditions here in New York. Maybe Traditions don't have to be special...then again if we did lost them....then that might make them special again?

Well here is the first one from me...each year I make a little trip to the wood lot behind my home and collect the pine bows. I bring them home and attempt a Christmas wreath for the front entry to the house...this is the results for this year. The next job is the tree....but first a bit of rest. Oyasuminasai

1 comment:

  1. (^^)¥Nice, Tony. I wonder how light blue lights would look on the wreath? I live in an mid to high rise area, but very little Xmas lights on the verandas. Back in Japan, there would be tours of the US military bases just to see Xmas Decorations! Some even charged big $$.
