Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Toshikoshi Soba on New Year's Eve. Jen and I gathered in front of the TV to watch the ball fall, eating the soba noodles. Happy New Year Roushiichi, Yachi-san and Yuta.

From Jen Suki, and Tony


  1. Happy New Year Tony! I hope that it is nice and quiet in NY. The concert of boomers, fireworks and dogs howling is picking up steam. Add to that the sirens of mergency vehicles. Makes you wonder about "traditions". This tradition of fireworks has been around as long as I can remember. But the population density wasn't as bad back in the 50's, 60's and even into the 70's. Nowdays, the amount of smoke from the fireworks create a health hazard. The state will ban any fireworks in 2011. There are many who are opposed to ban based on "traditions".
    But when "traditions" create a hazard to the well being of many, then perhaps we should move on. For Yuta it is a nightmare tonight!
    Can't wait till I eat my toshikoshi soba tonight. Now if I could watch the Red/White song fest! But, alas no TV. (^^)

  2. All is quiet in Stillwater tonight, we have a short set of fireworks...nothing like what is "traditional" on your end. Now that I don't have to work on New Year's Eve anymore I enjoy the piece of being home. The songs that are now on the TV would go well the comiki you showed. I am sure not Kohaku uta Gassen.....Darn we sound like old men Roushiichi...Gahahaha.

    Suki and I love the Toshikoshi soba, Jen well...she thanks you for the candies...

    One last think....found this tonight...
