Friday, December 3, 2010

Karate and Music

Please enjoy some modern music played with traditional Japanese instruments.
Kumite with such BGM would cetainly be fun!
Just in case the embedding was a no go here's the link!
Lyrico, the drummer has a solid Zenkutsu and Shikodachi! 基本だね!
I can imagine how much Kihon these two had to master to produce such great music!
Tsugaru Shamisen

Taiko (Japanese drums)

Karate has no borders, it is shared with the same spirit throughout the world.  I feel that music is the same. Music has no borders, it shares the same spirit. If we could all have the same spirit and feeling of mutual happiness and joy from each other the world would be a better place.
Please enjoy Celtic musicv played by a group of lovely Chinese ladies with traditional Chinese musical instruments.  Yes, I admit, my eyes focused first before my ears! (^^)

Another beautiful day in Hawaii. Listening to the music has energized me for the day. Looking  forward to my Pokemons this afternoon. Fufu, A different kind of music. Jita Kyoei, I get a lot from my Pokemons!
**For any first time reader, Pokemon refers to my kids in the karate class! (^^)** All sorts of characters!


  1. Ahhh Roushiiichi drinking Chi tea, rapped in Jen's native american blanket listening to traditional Japanese and Chinese instruments played in a modern era, suggested by my Hawaii friend with an ear for music. I would love to see both of these groups. I really enjoy the music of the Chinese woman, to me it was much like the energy I feel from the Trans-Sierian Orchestra Carol of the Bells....ummm Maybe I am getting there

  2. (^^) ya mean Sensei those drummers are not sitting on a stool or chair?? Smile.

  3. Yup. Great music to energize with. (^^)
    I can now make s fist with my right hand.
    Didn't realize how sensitive my bones were gettin. Gahahaha.
    Three more practices for 2010. How time flies!
    Today is kumite kihon. Lots of bag and focus stick works for the kids.
    Miss teaching a regular adult class. Well as they say here in Hawaii "Bum By" (By and by)
    Sooner or laters! (^^)
