Sunday, January 9, 2011


Thank you!! (^^)

      Yesterday was Makiki Dojos first practice for 2011. Although all the kids were not present, it was a GREAT feeling to see them again. It is certainly amazing how much energy and joy I receive from the kids (pokemons). The majority are 5 years old and should a visitor look in, they may mistake the Dojo as a Pre-school that has kids wear white pajamas! (^^)
      One of the hardest things for the pokemons to do is to stand still. Fufu. Controlled group activity is as alien to them as beer. So when the newbies start actually lining up and stand in the Ready position, it is almost akin to a miracle. (^^) One step at a time.
     Last year I did not promote any of the kids. There were a few that I considered candidates. However,
they did not reach the standards for self control. So they are placed in "Horyu" 保留 "on hold" status and they have this month to show improvement. I do not have strict parameters for technical skills for the younger age kids (4-6). The criteria emphasis is on self control, listening and adhering to instructions skills and the ability to "work" in a group environment. After all, how much can anyone expect from a young child that practices one a week for 1 hour? Show me a child that can play Mozart well on a one hour a week schedule, or anyone that can read, speak and write another language at one hour a week.
     My Dojos (Makiki and Yokohama) are not tournament oriented. If a child decides (not the parents) he/she is interested in competing, then additional training hours will be implemented. In addition, they will have to adapt to the rules of the competition, which in Hawaii is basically non-contact point system. The kids practice full contact style not point style. Fortunately, my good friend Tamura Sensei's Dojo is competition oriented and they do well. I will probably have my kids attend his practice to gain the skills necessary. No sense in sending the kids unprepared. Yokohama is fortunate to have a full contact environment in which they can compete. Several Yokohama kids have shown an interest in competing and are receiving additional training, as well as going to other Dojos to practice sparring (出稽古)
  As for myself, I just enjoy being with the pokemons and receiving their bottomless energies and enjoying their pure souls.

(How I look to the kids!)
     Thank you, my pokemons. (^^)
(Kids)  Haaaai!
(Me)  Riiiiiight.............Haaaaaaaa. (**#)

PS. I am glad I worked at a Pre-School for ten years before joining Law Enforcement.......Whew.....
      Actually there wasn't much difference between the peewees and adults?????? (^^)
      Another nice day in Hawaii after a VERY cold night!
Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Made Me smile just before hitting the shower, I did a little practice for me tonight. Always thinking, like to teach the kids, "this". Tonight is was more of the kake drill...Then I read you, and I remember to have fun... maybe attention and self control too...I am getting little better, I got wakarimashitaka, look enough like wakarimasu ka. I DID understand this time. Watashi wa karimashite. In any language kids always say "Yes" then have no idea what you just said...Smile...

    Welcome back to the Dojo Pokemons from the other Dragon (^^).
