Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jyu yoku Go wo Seisu 柔よく剛を制す

JU (Soft)


「Jyu yoku Go wo seisu」is a very famous saying among Japanese martial arts. It’s origin is from the Chinese philosopher Roushi 老士’s writings such as


  Kenkyou ha Shi no torinari, Jyuujyaku ha sein no tori nari

   堅強、死之徒也。柔弱、生之徒也 #76


Tenka ni mizu yori jyukyaku naru wa nashi. Shikashite kenkyou wo semuru wa kore ni yokus sakinnzuru wa nashi.

    天下莫柔弱手水。而攻堅強者莫之能先。 #78

3.「天下の至柔は、天下の至堅を馳 地馳騁す。無有は無間に入る。吾ここを以って無為  の益あるを知る、不言の教え、無為の益は天下能欲これに及ぶこと希なり」
Tenka no shi jyu wa tenka no shaken wo chitei suru. Muyuu wa mukan ni iru. Ware koko wo motte mui no eki aru wo shiru. Fugen no osie, mui no eki wa, tenka yoku kore ni oyobu koto mare nari.

   天下の至柔、馳騁天下の至堅。無有入手無門。吾是似知無為の有益也。不言の教、     無為の益、天下希能及之成矣 #57

I took the liberty of radically summarizing the above proverbs and the historical connection with Japanese martial arts. Please also understand that it is strictly a “layman’s” interpretation and not an academic or scholarly one. (^^)

Fukuno Masakatu (福野正勝) the 2nd headmaster of the Kito Ryu is considered to be the person who may have originated the thought which later became [Jyu yoku Go wo Seisu]. Kito Ryu was started by Ibaragi Shunbo 茨城俊房who served under the Yagyu Family.

In the Kito Ryu “Kto Ryu Fusho Ten no Maki” 起倒流 傅書。In the writings it has reference to water which overcomes any situation and the term Jujitsu 柔術 and Wajutsu和術was born. Later, Jigoro Kano would make this into Judo 柔道。

The common theme starting with Roushi, and ending with Kano via Ibaragi is the “softness” and its power to adapt to situations. Roushi states that rather than hard and tough things there is more “liveliness” with things that are supple and soft. #76. How true, when we are relaxed and enjoying that moment we are certainly "alive" with enthusiasm , warmth and happiness. When we are depressed or feeling pressure all of our mannerisms become hard and rejecting and a very wet rag.

Roushi also points out that water can always get in anywhere and thus overcome obstacles. Thus, the power of being formless is born. (#57/#78). I wrote in the past, how my Judo mentor always reminded us about the "Spirit of water".

Of course there are probably more profund and deeper meanings to all these proverbs. But I'll leave it up to the readers to check it out for themselves.

So what is "Ju" or soft in real life situations? Keeping in line with my KISS principle, I think it is the ability to adapt to situations to a point any flame of conflict is extinguished.
For example, someone berates you for being in his/her way. A simple "Excuse me" or "Sorry" would be all it takes. No harm done to anyone. Besides it takes only one or two steps. Isn't ridiculous to get all worked up over that?
(^^) Just the other day at Walmart (yes I must admit I shop there (**:)). while standing in line at the register, the lady in front of me waved at me to go ahead, as she was still trying to make decesion. So, I nodded my thanks and stepped up. Well, a gentleman who was standing in front and didn't see the communication between the lady and me, tore into me for cutting in line ahead of lady and made a big scene. Pehaps I could have tore into him as well and dislocated his finger that was waving in front of face. I smiled and thanked him for being observant and explained that the lady had kindly asked to me to go ahead.  Naturally after the fuss he made it was obviously embarassing for him to back down without another few choice words. So I thanked him again for being observant and pointed out that the register was open and he was holding the line up. (^^)

Sometimes we get caught up with the technical aspects of training and try too hard to be soft which ends up being hard. Fufu. Soft has to be natural just as you can't get a week old biscuit to be like the Pillsbury Dough Boy ?????? Even if you put the biscuit in the Microwave, zapping it too long makes it harder!
When we try too hard it's the same. Take a step back, relax, refocus you breathing and start anew.

Be like water in a stream. go with the flow.

Of course there may come a time when you have no alternative but to use your training. That is when you take form of the tsunami.
But as Oyama Sousai stated in this video clip, "Do not show your back if you are challenged and have no way out".  Of course there is much more that he says but I think you get the meaning.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post Roushiichi, I did not know the origin of 柔よく剛を制す, and its relationship Jujitsu 柔術 and then to Kano, Sensei to Judo 柔道. I only have read from text, by MaCarthy, Sensei and others. They tell of the movement from science of fighting to the way of fighting. I find it interesting that GSP has 柔術 on his chest. He really makes the statement that what he is going in the cage is "fighting" it has little to do with 道.

    Been working on Oyama Sousai lecture at Mt Misumi Gasshuku. I am not sure if I spelled his Mountain site of his gravesite correctly. The Nakamura and Senpai fight he is referencing to makoto, is that the 2nd World tournament, and the use of the wheel kick?? Very hard for me to understand ...I like yield yield yield, no conflict ...until there is not way out, then dont show your back..even if there is 10 million....
