Monday, March 7, 2011

Sorry for being Awol!

     Had stoppped by Nagoya after Ishiyama, Shiga Prefecture. Due to the extreme budgeting the next hotel I stayed at did not have any internet connections! At 79 yen a Dollar, need to squeeze as much as I can while in Japan.  I was able go see Hayashi Shihan at the All Japan Taekwondo Poomse Championships held at Okazaki which is about  one hour south of Nagoya. Although I wanted to stay the whole day, transportation was very limited and with the danger of a two hour hike to the nearest train station I left while the bus (one a hour) was still running. Hayashi Shihan place second this time around.
     I am back in Yokohama now, catching up on laundry and such. Now I am connected so I should be able to report back more regularly. Some more pics from my journey.

Nagoya is famous for its Miso Katsu (味噌カツ)Deep fried pork cutlets drenched in sweet miso sauce!

Another Nagoya delicacy is the Tebsaki (手羽先)BBQ'd chicken wings.

Now, guess what this is! (^^)

Looks like it's a favorite of mine! Fufufufu. Haven't figured out how to adjust the pics. (**:)
The answer is 白子

More to follow! The night life is calling me.............(^^)

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