Saturday, August 7, 2010


YUTA 雄太aka Michael

     Yuta, 13 years old  is Yachiyo's baby. One of the prerequisite for marriage was to accept Yuta as well.
     As you can see in the photo he now has cataracts in both eyes, basically blind. He is scheduled for operation in October (there is only one veterinarian who does eye surgery in Hawaii!!!). However it will all depend on his blood test (something connected to having to be anesthetized) one week prior to the scheduled operation so there is a chance that Yuta will have to continue to live with this condition.
Naturally Yuta has had to adapt to his loss of sight. He still has his smelling but that doesn't help too much other than finding his water and food bowls.
     Yachiyo and I  have found ourselves having to adapt our handling of Yuta as well. The "playing around" or picking him up now requires caution. I have already been  bitten playing around with him. It appears that Yuta's tolerance level has definitely gone down. I suppose that is to be expected. His world has changed.
     I think it is the same in the Dojo. As Dojo mates, we all  need to adapt to changes and be more tolerant of the changes others may be going through. As I wrote previously, the Dojo is like an extended family to me. It is not a place where people do their one hour or so and just leave. 
      Members have their own lives outside the Dojo and at times things that affect them affect their training. Although there is a thin line as how much we get involved in personal matters, at the minimum, I would hope that students are comfortable enough to share their problems and seek help if need be.     
     We have now become seeing eye humans for Yuta during his walks outside. Yuta has slowly recognized that the pull on his leash equals avoiding collision with immovable objects. Coordination between us has begun to improve (^^).  This has made me thankful for the cataract surgeries I had last year and the fact that medical procedures continue to make great strides forward along with gratitude that there people out there with enough smarts and skills to do the procedures. Heaven forbid having me handle a laser! (- -;)
     By the way did you know cataract surgery for Yuta is more expensive than what it cost me???
No health insurance either. Oh well, time for instant noodles!! (^^)
Have a good day! OSU!

1 comment:

  1. Sad to see Yuta eyes!! Sure does make my hip hurt less...
