Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Perseid Meteor Shower!!! (^^)

Don't forget! The Perseid Meteor Shower is early Wednesday morning! Probably a better chance of seeing it out at Mechanicsville than Honolulu or Yokohama. Too much city lights here....(- -#) Perhaps I'll drive out to the coast line and try to see it.
Don't miss it!!


  1. Here in New York, I understand that peak times for the Perseid Meterors will be from 1:30am-4:00am. I am going to go out after I finish writing for our blog, its now 1:00am here in New York...Night is not to clear here, so we will see..

  2. Northeast sky was in partial cloud cover, from 0130 to 0213, I was only able to count 3. I will look again near day break....Hope you have been luck.

  3. Drove out to North Shore but no luck.
    I'll try again tonight.
    The ride was pretty relaxing wth the local Japanese radio station playing oldies from the 70's to keep me company. Yachi was in dreamland and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. Everyone needs solitude once in a while. (^^)
    The ocean was pretty calm and the breeze refreshing. None of the day time traffic to worry about.
