Saturday, August 14, 2010

Field expedient

For a very long time in Yokohama and Hawaii I did not collect any monies for Karate, everything came out of pocket.  This was based on the fact that I do not consider myself a professional martial artist and that I was happy just to share whatever I knew with others. Along the line I was convinced to collect "dues" and off set any expenses I incurred for the Dojo. To be honest, being retired, every penny does count! (^^)
Now the rent is covered.  My dream is to save $4,000 to purchase mats for the Dojo. Hmmmm. How many car washes will it take? (^^)
One of the higher expenses are protectors, punching and kicking equipment. So I am always thinking of ways to have equipment without having to dish out $$$. In the Army, the phrase "field expedient" was often  used. In short, make use of what you can get your hands on. Adapt!!
So, as I was trolling through Wall Mart his morning, lo and behold, a sale on Noodles! Those things you can hang onto in the pool. Hmmm, not too hard, not too soft, some flexibility and $2.00 each! My left over brain cells whirled and I came up with a focus stick (vice pads). One noodle makes three one foot long sticks.
Add a PVC handle, wrap it up with Duct Tape. Voila! A portable focusing stick that kids and adults can easily hold.
Good for reaction drills, blocking drills, punch/kick combination drills.
Once in a while, I can let the kids put on some head gear and let them play samurai.
Total cost per stick came to under $2.00!! (give or take some cents) (^^)


  1. Where were these focus sticks, when Sensei Altumura was teaching me stick fighting with rattan sticks. My hands were so smatched up....still have one stick left, but have not practice for almost ten years. I remember him, telling me, "defang the snake" Anthony...then he would smash my hands...I miss you Sensei..Osu!!

    These look a little more user friendly. So you thinking more like focus mitts for kicking and blocking...I can see them....even sent up with a many of them at different heights and postions....??? Chinese sticking arms??

    How about the padding for a Makiwara, one a bit more kind to your hands? Like split in half one or two layers over your tree, or post then your rap of rope??? What do ya think of Makiwara training...I dont think we have talked about only??? I use to kick an old hot water heater, and had a double 2x4 in the basement, until the pictures feel of the walls upstairs...dont think I should pass that down as wisdom....(^^)

  2. Aloha, Tony
    My first experience with the makiwara was on Okinawa, the first day of practice. That was my practice for the day. Pounding on the makiwawa.
    Perhaps a form of weeding out the non serious applicants? (^^). Makiwara is a definite no-no for kids. Even with adults I am not convinced that hitting the makiwara is better than pounding a heavy bag. The only thing that does make me abandon the makiwara is the fact that in a altercation it is the naked fist that is used, not a gloved hand. (^^) No makiwara in Makiki or Yokohama so I pound on the edge of the stage. Gyahahahaha.
