Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Home from 2010 Shihan Flynn's Summer Gasshuku

I am home from 2010 Summer Gasshuku. I was able to train with Raul Dueno, Sensei Miguel Rios, Sensei Hugo Perez Sensei, John Kalaisopoulos, Sensei Nick Savery, Sempai and Gennadiy Ravvinand Sempai all who brought students to Vermont this year for Tom Flynn, Shihan and Toni Flynn, Sensei’s Gasshuku. Just like to mention that I have listed only the shidoshi here, but the Gasshuku is an excellent example to the Zen philosophy. Except for myself, everyone is my teacher. As testament to these shidoshin, I am always impressed with the physical abilities and kindness shown by all karate-ka at Gasshuku. Shihan this year had a back to basic theme. Shoshin no morderu, was alive and well in Vermont this weekend. In Shihan’s words, kihon! In karate there is nothing else. There are no advance techniques, there is only refined kihon. Karate like the onion has layers; advanced grades are simply a few more layers into the onion. Pictures and detail will be on its way in future post. I have much to catch up on, now that I am back home.


  1. (^^) おかえりうなさい。Okaerinasai. Welcome back, Tony. Are you in one piece?? Fufu. Glad to hear you had a great training session. Looking forard to hearing more of the Gasshuku.
    This month starts the "homeless: status of Makiki Dojo (only for August)as I was unable to find a alternate site. The City and County, due to budget cuts, closed its facility for the weekends!!! Darn....
    The past few days it has been raining....(**:)
    Hopefully it will clear up by Saturday. One good thing is that there is no homeless population camping out in the district park like in Waikiki which has created some security problems.

  2. Roushiici, yes made it back in one piece, but still wish some of the parts worked better. "Adapted Budo"...I think many of the young karate-ka, took it easy on the old man.

    I am just in from work...more in morning.
